RAL 9006andRAL 9007were used by the market to indicate requirements, even though there was no uniform finish in existence for the standards. In addition, both colors need a transparent layer in order to use them for decorative surfaces. This often results in a classification as a special coati...
RAL 9006 Weißaluminium CMYK 0 0 0 40 RAL 9007 Graualuminium CMYK 0 0 0 60 RAL 9010 Reinweiß CMYK 0 0 5 0 RAL 9011 Graphitschwarz CMYK 100 100 100 80 RAL 9016 Verkehrsweiß CMYK 3 0 0 0 RAL 9017 Verkehrsschwarz CMYK 100 90 100 95 RAL 9018 Papyrusweiß CMYK 10 0 10 ...
RAL 9001 RAL 9002 RAL 9003 RAL 9004 RAL 9005 RAL 9006 RAL 9007 RAL 9010 RAL 9011 RAL 9012 RAL 9016 RAL 9017RAL-kleurenwaaier kopen €15,95 RAL K7 216 RAL Classic-kleuren 5 x 15 cm, glanzend Meer info / bestellen €15,95 RAL K7 op waterbasis 216 RAL Classic-kleuren 5 ...
RAL 9006 Weißaluminium CMYK 0 0 0 40 RAL 9007 Graualuminium CMYK 0 0 0 60 RAL 9010 Reinweiß CMYK 0 0 5 0 RAL 9011 Graphitschwarz CMYK 100 100 100 80 RAL 9016 Verkehrsweiß CMYK 3 0 0 0 RAL 9017 Verkehrsschwarz CMYK 100 90 100 95 ...
RAL 9006 RAL 9007 RAL 9010 RAL 9011 RAL 9012 RAL 9016 RAL 9017 Buy RAL color fan €15.95 RAL K7 216 RAL Classic colors 5 x 15 cm, gloss More info / ordering €15.95 RAL K7 water based 216 RAL Classic colors 5 x 15 cm, gloss ...
RAL 9006 Weißaluminium CMYK 0 0 0 40 RAL 9007 Graualuminium CMYK 0 0 0 60 RAL 9010 Reinweiß CMYK 0 0 5 0 RAL 9011 Graphitschwarz CMYK 100 100 100 80 RAL 9016 Verkehrsweiß CMYK 3 0 0 0 RAL 9017 Verkehrsschwarz CMYK 100 90 100 95 ...
41、arzSignal blackNoir de scuritRAL 9005RAL 9005TiefschwarzJet blackNoir foncEffektfarbeRAL 9006RAL 9006WeialuminiumWhite aluminiumAluminium blancEffektfarbeRAL 9007RAL 9007GraualuminiumGrey aluminiumAluminium grisRAL 9010RAL 9010ReinweiPure whiteBlanc purRAL 9011RAL 9011GraphitschwarzGraphite blackNoi 42、...
und Schwarz-TneRAL 9001RAL 9001CremeweiCreamBlanc crmeRAL 9002RAL 9002GrauweiGrey whiteBlanc grisRAL 9003RAL 9003SignalweiSignal witheBlanc de scuritRAL 9004RAL 9004SignalschwarzSignal blackNoir de scuritRAL 9005RAL 9005TiefschwarzJet blackNoir foncEffektfarbeRAL 9006RAL 9006WeialuminiumWhite aluminium...
RALcolorsystem(德国的工业标准色彩系统)劳尔色系中英文对照 RAL Colour System,简称RAL,是德国的工业标准色彩系统。于1927年开发,主要形容漆类颜色,适用于工业材料如金属等。开始时仅有40个颜色,后扩大至1900个以上,并成为欧洲的工业色彩标准。色相:010 —036共36个色相。RAL is a color matching system ...
RAL 9006 White aluminium白铝灰色 RAL 9007 Grey aluminium灰铝色 RAL 9010 Pure white纯白色 RAL 9011 Graphiack石墨黑 RAL 9016 Traffic white交通白 RAL 9017 Traffic black交通黑 RAL 9018 Papyrus white草纸白 RAL 9022 Pearl light grey珍珠浅灰 RAL 9023 Pearl dark grey珍珠深灰©...