9006 / White aluminium RAL Similar Paints RAL ★ 830-2#a4a7a5 ΔE = 0.373 / LRV ≈ 38.2% Tata ★ Arctic White / 902#a5a9a7 ΔE = 0.462 / LRV ≈ 39.2% Tollens ★ T2141-1#a4a7a6 ΔE = 0.631 / LRV ≈ 38.3% Glidden ★ Stepping Stone / PPG1010-4#a4a7a4 ΔE = 0.659 / ...
Color name French:Aluminium gris Color name Italian:Alluminio grigiastro Color name Spanish:Aluminio gris LRV(light reflectance value):28.94 Why is the color display of RAL 9006 and 9007 inaccurate? RAL 9007 Grey aluminium is a micaceous iron color. ...
Metallic Silver Color RAL9006/RAL9007/RAL9022/RAL9023 Powder Coating Powder Properties Appearance:Homogeneous without any agglomerate Specific Gravity:1.2~1.8 g/cm3(vary with the different type and color) Granularity Distribution:100% smaller than125μm, including more ...
Ral 9006 Metallic Powder Coating Industrial Silver Paint US$3.24-3.58 / kg Ral7032/Ral7035/Ral7040 Grey Color Smooth/Texture Hybrid Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating US$2.00 / kgs Corona Grey Color Fine Texture Wrinkle Ral7032/Ral7035 Powder Coating ...
This page shows RAL color9002with the color nameGrey white. This RAL color is in theWhite and black huescategory, part of theRAL Classiccolor system. Color name Dutch:Grijswit Color name German:Grauweiß Color name French:Blanc gris ...
41、arzSignal blackNoir de scuritRAL 9005RAL 9005TiefschwarzJet blackNoir foncEffektfarbeRAL 9006RAL 9006WeialuminiumWhite aluminiumAluminium blancEffektfarbeRAL 9007RAL 9007GraualuminiumGrey aluminiumAluminium grisRAL 9010RAL 9010ReinweiPure whiteBlanc purRAL 9011RAL 9011GraphitschwarzGraphite blackNoi 42、...
33、ue8氮气 Nitrogen512铜锈绿Verdigris9氩气 Argon10氢气 Hydrogen306大红 ScarletRAL 300211保护气体 Protective gas110铁黄 IronA17-60HRAL 1011yellow12生活水 Domestic water412紫兰 PurpleRAL 5000blue13工业水 Industrial water803紫色 PurpleA87-60HRAL 400114过滤水103米黄A22-80HRAL 1001Filtered waterCream yel...
grisRAL 9003RAL 9003SignalweiSignal witheBlanc de scuritRAL 9004RAL 9004SignalschwarzSignal blackNoir de scuritRAL 9005RAL 9005TiefschwarzJet blackNoir foncEffektfarbeRAL 9006RAL 9006WeialuminiumWhite aluminiumAluminium blancEffektfarbeRAL 9007RAL 9007GraualuminiumGrey aluminiumAluminium grisRAL 9010RAL 9010...
Color RAL color code color code 6 蒸汽 Steam 7 氧气 Oxygen 412 紫兰 Purple RAL 5000 blue 8 氮气 Nitrogen 512 铜锈绿 Verdigris 9 氩气 Argon 10 氢气 Hydrogen 306 大红 Scarlet RAL 3002 11 保护气体 Protective gas 110 铁黄 Iron A17-60H RAL 1011 yellow 12 生活水 Domestic water 412 紫兰 ...
gris Beige agrisado Beige grigiastro Grijsbeige 1020 Olive yellow 橄榄黄 Olivgelb Olive yellow Jaune olive Amarillo oliva Giallo olivastro Olijfgeel 1021 Rape yellow 油菜黄 Rapsgelb Rape yellow Jaune colza Amarillo colza Giallo navone Koolzaadgeel 1023 Traffic yellow 交通黄 Verkehrsgelb Traffic ...