Specifiers and designers are looking for greater colour choice and are selecting colours from the RAL Design, NCS, Pantone and British Standard ranges. The ability to manufacture a minimum of 20kg, in Architectural polyester powder in colours likeRAL 9003and deliver free in seven days is a major...
FRP/GRP Gelcoat Sheet Factory Smooth High Gloss Ral9003 1.5mm 2.0mm 3.0mm 5.0mm FRP Flat GRP Plate Sheets US$6.00 100-999 Square Meters US$5.50 1,000-4,999 Square Meters US$5.00 5,000+ Square Meters Product Details Cust...
当你需要设计、生产一种产品时,需要用到颜色方面的信息而你又没有相关方面的知识的话这时色卡就可以弥补这方面的缺失了。在选择色彩方面美国Pantone(潘通色卡)、德国RAL色卡(劳尔色卡)、欧洲标准的瑞典NCS色卡、日本DIC色卡、等这些都是国际常用的色卡每种都有它的特点。 RAL (劳尔)塑胶色卡特点: ·100种塑胶选色片...