This page shows RAL color 9001 with the color name Cream. This RAL color is in the White and black hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system...
答RAL 9001为橙黄色相,在HSV色彩空间中RAL 9001的色调为37度,饱和度为10%,明度为91%,中英文名称是“奶油色” 问RAL 9001色号的RGB,Hex,CMYK数值分别是多少? 答RAL 9001色号的RGB色值为(233,224,210), Hex(十六进制色值)为 #E9E0D2, CMYK未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参...
RAL 9001 #FDF4E3 Cream RAL 9002 #E7EBDA Grey white RAL 9003 #F4F4F4 Signal white RAL 9004 #282828 Signal black RAL 9005 #0A0A0A Jet black RAL 9006 #A5A5A5 White aluminum RAL 9007 #8F8F8F Grey aluminum RAL 9010 #FFFFFF Pure white RAL 9011 #1C1C1C Graphite black RAL 9016 #F6F6F...
色母品牌:汽车品牌:车型: 年份:色号: 配方详细表 色母品牌裕华行配方 汽车品牌工业漆 汽车型号劳尔 K7 年份 色号RAL9001 色卡位置 颜色奶油色 备注 配方份量( 单位:g) 配方色种关系表 序号色母名称特性净重(g)累加(g) 12000超级纯白高遮盖力,高白度的标准亮白。989.10989.10 ...
型号:RAL9001 类型:丙烯酸金属漆 用途:机床设备及工业 颜色:彩黄色 产地:上海 包装规格:4/20L 保质期:12个月 粘度:强cps 细度:30-35 柔韧性:1mm 附着力:1级 涂刷性:强 冲击强度:50cm 表干时间:0.5h 干燥时间:24h 耐化学腐蚀性能:强 耐酸性能:强 ...
RAL 9001拉尔9001 RAL 9002拉尔9002 RAL 9003拉尔9003 RAL 9010拉尔9010 RAL9016RAL9016 RAL 9018拉尔9018 RAL Color namesRAL色名 1000 - green beige1000 -绿色米色 2004 - pure orange2004 -纯橙色 4003 - heather violet4003 -石楠紫 6003 - olive green6003 -橄榄绿 7003 - moss grey7003 -莫斯灰色 800...
Color chart color contrast table of RAL color card The beginning of the number "1"1000 Green Beige m green 1001 Beige beige, pale yellow or gray yellow 1002 Sand yellow sand yellow 1003 Signal yellow signal yellow 1004 Golden yellow golden yellow 1005 Honey yellow honey yellow 1006 Maize ...
RAL 9001 #EFEBDC 奶油 RAL 9002 #DDDED4 灰白色 RAL 9003 #F4F8F4 信號白 RAL 9004 #2E3032 信號黑 RAL 9005 #0A0A0D 烏黑 RAL 9006 #A5A8A6 白色鋁 RAL 9007 #8F8F8C 鋁灰 RAL 9010 #F7F9EF 純白 RAL 9011 #292C2F 石墨黑 RAL 9016 #F7FBF5 交通白 RAL 9017 #2A2D2F 交通黑...
White Color Ral9001/Ral9002 Epoxy Polyester Powder Coating Smooth Matt for Home Furniture US$2.51 300-1,999 KG US$2.43 2,000+ KG Product Details Customization: Available CAS No.: Na Formula: NaContact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get samples o...
Ral Color, Pantone Colors, Custom Colors, Pantone Series, Ral Series Appearance Powder, Powder Method Spray, Spray Components Polyester Resin, Pigment, etc., Film Forming Matter Main Raw Material Polyester Resin, Polyster Resin Level Finish Coat, Finish Coat Certification...