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Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. "Nice service and a very nice sample packet" PPG INDUSTRIES "Great service.." Healsafe Interior AB. "Really good color catalog" Whitson's Ltd "Efficiently sent, cheaper than buying from UK" Hannah Southerington "Fast delivery and good quality!" Rebecca Major "Gr...
Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. "Nice service and a very nice sample packet" PPG INDUSTRIES "Great service.." Healsafe Interior AB. "Really good color catalog" Whitson's Ltd "Efficiently sent, cheaper than buying from UK" Hannah Southerington "Fast delivery and good quality!" Rebecca Major "Gr...
RAL is a color matching system used in Europe. In colloquial speech RAL refers to the RAL CLASSIC system, mainly used for varnish and powder coating.RAL CLASSIC In 1927 the German Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung" (State Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality ...
yellow 1002 Sand yellow sand yellow 1003 Signal yellow signal yellow 1004 Golden yellow golden yellow 1005 Honey yellow honey yellow 1006 Maize yellow corn yellow 1007 Daffodil yellow yellow 1011 Brown beige beige 1012 Lemon yellow lemon yellow 1013 Oyster white white powder 1014 Ivory Ivory ...
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Tiger Drylac RAL Powder Coat Color Chart 德国RAL色卡与中文颜色对照表 NCS(Natural Color System)/ RAL Colour System ral油漆色号及颜色 RAL色卡号与颜色对应 ral色卡号与颜色对应 RAL-K7色卡-中文名称 RAL工业国际标准色卡对照表(颜色+名称) RAL(劳尔色卡)中文名称电子版...
Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. "Nice service and a very nice sample packet" PPG INDUSTRIES "Great service.." Healsafe Interior AB. "Really good color catalog" Whitson's Ltd "Efficiently sent, cheaper than buying from UK" Hannah Southerington "Fast delivery and good quality!" Rebecca Major "Gr...
yellow yellow RAL 1004, Goldenyellow gold yellow RAL 1005, Honey, yellow, honey yellow RAL 1006, Maize, yellow, corn yellow RAL 1007 Daffodil yellow yellow RAL 1011, Brown, beige beige RAL 1012, Lemon, yellow, lemon yellow RAL 1013 Oyster white white powder RAL 1014, Ivory Ivory ...
yellow 1003 Signal yellow yellow signal 1004 Golden yellow golden yellow 1005 Honey yellow honey yellow 1006 Maize yellow corn yellow 1007 Daffodil yellow yellow 1011 Brown beige beige 1012 Lemon yellow lemon yellow 1013 Oyster white white powder 1014 Ivory Ivory 1015 Light Ivory bright ivory ...