Ebates(现更名为 Rakuten)和 American Express 合作,允许用户将所得的返现按照 1:1 的比例兑换成 Membership Rewards(MR)点数,比如你有 $10 的返现,则可以兑换成 1000 个 MR 点数,相当于 1 cent 兑换一个 MR 点。而众所周知,MR 点数的价值远不止 1 cent,一般估值在 1.6 cents,可以说给 Ebates 返现很大...
一;综合经验, 二;不错的一篇;Rakuten(Ebates) 网购返现攻略 三;Ebates MR 版介绍(就是american-express信用卡联名账户,100美金一般账户如果返利5%得到5美金,Mr则是,500积分,比较一般账户划算)(实体店返现(商店/饭店/旅馆))///联名信用卡(就是rakuten 的信用卡) 四;奖励(推荐奖励/专属账户奖励:针对个人账户的)...
American Express Membership Rewards® Points at Rakuten Terms These terms incorporate and supplement the Terms and Conditions for the Rakuten Cash Back shopping program. Membership Rewards® Points at Rakuten are available to U.S. American Express Card Members with a Card enrolled in the Membership...
While many cash-back sites limit you to getting gift cards, Rakuten pays in either cash or American Express Membership Rewards Points (a great perk for American Express cardholders). Limited-time deals and extra cash-back. Rakuten often runs special promotions, such as 20% cash-back at 300+...
With Rakuten, you can earnAmerican Express Membership Rewardspoints instead of cash back if you want. So, instead of getting up to 15% cash back in the examples below, you could earn 15 Membership Rewards points per dollar spent; this can yield a significantly higher value overall if you ma...
If you have an American Express card that’s part of the Membership Rewards program, you can also choose to get your Rakuten cash back through the American Express Membership Rewards. According to Rakuten, you can get 1 American Express Membership Rewards point per dollar for each percent of ...
Ann Taylor(2%)、Saks Fifth Avenue (4%)、Express and Express Factory Outlet(2.5%)、American Eagle and Aerie(2%) 等等,适合有购物需求的人购买。 使用步骤(也可以用rakuten的联名信用卡 见本节下) 先在ebates-in store cashback-link你用来支付的信用卡,目前暂时只支持AMEX和VISA通道的信用卡 ...
While Rakuten’s ability to earnAmerican Express Membership Rewardsinstead of cash can be enticing for travelers who value and know how to redeem those points for significant value with an American Express travel partner (like British Airways, Delta or Hilton), the ability to earn American Express...
向下滚动到“你想如何获得报酬?”部分,找到 American Express 部分,单击“切换到 Membership Rewards 积分”。 按照屏幕上的提示登录你的 Amex 账户,完成设置。完成以上步骤后,你就可以每个季度坐等积分到账了。记住,1%的现金返还等于额外的1个积分哦!🎁🛒0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...