shift_o(@arr --> obj) moar"Shift the first value from the beginning of @arr." Return the value of @arr at index 0, unbind @arr at index 0, and move all other bindings of @arr to the index one below what they were previously bound to.slice...
strify($o --> str) String Opcodescharschars(str $str --> int) charsnfg(str $str --> int) jsReturn the number of characters in the string.chrchr(int $codepoint --> str) Given a unicode codepoint, return a str containing its character. Will throw an exception on invalid codepoints...
push_o($obj, str $v --> str) moar"Push $v onto the end of @arr." Bind $v to @arr at the position at the end of @arr, i.e., the position that is just after the last position of @arr that has been bound to.Return value is not currently defined.set...
push_o($obj, str $v --> str) moar"Push $v onto the end of @arr." Bind $v to @arr at the position at the end of @arr, i.e., the position that is just after the last position of @arr that has been bound to.Return value is not currently defined.pop...
push_o($obj, str $v --> str) moar"Push $v onto the end of @arr." Bind $v to @arr at the position at the end of @arr, i.e., the position that is just after the last position of @arr that has been bound to.Return value is not currently defined.set...
Int Exception - an Exception object Handle - an I/O Handle object Iterable - something iterable Context - a Context object LexPad - a Context object @ - this sigil indicates an array parameter % - this sigil indicates a hash parameter ... - indicates variable args are accepted...
shift_o(@arr --> obj) moar"Shift the first value from the beginning of @arr." Return the value of @arr at index 0, unbind @arr at index 0, and move all other bindings of @arr to the index one below what they were previously bound to.slice...
push_o($obj, str $v --> str) moar"Push $v onto the end of @arr." Bind $v to @arr at the position at the end of @arr, i.e., the position that is just after the last position of @arr that has been bound to.Return value is not currently defined.pop...
shift_o(@arr --> obj) moar"Shift the first value from the beginning of @arr." Return the value of @arr at index 0, unbind @arr at index 0, and move all other bindings of @arr to the index one below what they were previously bound to.slice...