RAK Ceramics is a global lifestyle solution brand specializing in ceramic and gres porcelain wall, floor, countertop tiles and sanitaryware.
RAK Ceramics is a global lifestyle solution brand specializing in ceramic and gres porcelain wall, floor, countertop tiles and sanitaryware.
We have ceramic and porcelain products, from tiles tobathroom accessories. No matter which room of the house you are designing, you will find an exquisite selection to choose from at the RAK Ceramics Online shop. We have added affordable and luxury products to our store, so there is something...
RAK Ceramics is a global lifestyle solution brand that specializes in the ceramics industry. The company offers ceramic and gres porcelain products, including wall, floor, and countertop tiles, as well as sanitaryware. RAK Ceramics primarily serves the construction and interior design industries. It...
网络释义 1. 瓷砖厂 位于哈伊马角酋长国的瓷砖厂(Rak Ceramics)是世界上最大的生产厂家,投资额达7.35亿迪拉姆(约2亿美元),年生产能力 … ccn.mofcom.gov.cn|基于6个网页
近日,阿联酋瓷砖制造商RAK Ceramics发布2024年二季度业绩报告。报告显示,2024年上半年集团收入同比下降11.20%至15.5亿迪拉姆(折合人民币30.13亿元),净利润1.139亿迪拉姆(折合人民币2.21亿元),同比下降26.60%,毛利率同比增长90个基点至39.4%。RAK Ceramics集团首席执行官Abdallah Massaad表示:“受地缘政治紧张、供应链中断以及...
RAK Ceramics Explore our wide range of RAK Ceramics Toilets - a flawless fusion of style and functionality. From sleek white close-coupled options to space-saving back-to-wall designs, we offer toilets to suit every bathroom aesthetic. Elevate your bathroom experience with our premium toilet ...
近日,阿联酋瓷砖制造商RAK Ceramics宣布,公司已完成对RAK Porcelain 100%股权的收购,使其成为全资子公司。公司表示,这一战略举措符合RAK Ceramic持续致力于集中、投资和发展其核心业务部门,同时战略性地退出非核心业务的承诺。据悉,2024年一季度,RAK Ceramics营收下降了11.4%至7.816亿迪拉姆(折合人民币15.44亿元),净利润...
收购科鲁迪后,RAK Ceramics上半年卫浴营收5.52亿元 日前,沙特延布市皇家委员会宣布与Ras Al Khaimah Ceramics Company(以下简称“RAK Ceramics”) 签署投资协议,拟在延布市建立一家陶瓷厂。预计将在于 2025 年初完成并启动,预计总投资约为 4 亿迪拉姆(约7亿元人民币)。