The bending stress used in the Raju-Newman solution was computed for the real blade using the finite element method. The K-factor values were calculated only at one point of the crack front, where the crack tip contacts the free surface, because the crack length during experimental ...
Fett, T., 1987, 'An Extension of the Newman-Raju Formula,' International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 33, pp. R47-R50T. Fett, An extension of the Newman-Raju formula, Interna- tional Journal of Fracture, 33 (1987) 47-50.Fett, T. (1987) An extension of the Newman-Raju formula. Int...
Danzer, "Surface Crack in Ten- sion or in Bending - A Reassessment of the Newman and Raju Formula in Respect to Fracture Toughness Measurements in Brittle Materials," J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32, 1491-501 (2012).Strobl S, Supancic P, Lube T, Danzer R. Surface Crack in Tension or in ...
doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2017.05.008Stefan StroblPeter Hans SupancicTanja LubeRobert DanzerElsevier BVJOURNAL- EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY
The Poisson's ratio analyzed was 0.3. In this paper a reassessment of the Newman and Raju formula is made, where all relevant geometric parameters of crack and specimen and the Poisson's ratio are considered. The deviations of the old formula from the new results are up to 21%, if the ...