Solar System Social Study - Civilisation and Culture of Ancient India: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Culture, Buddhism and Jainsm and Mahajanapada Period. Mauryan Empire Political and administrative systems of the mauryan empire. Emperors - Ashoka’s Dhamma and inscriptions ...
The major constraint faced by farmers in adoption of solar-powered pumps in arid region was found to be their non-functioning in higher water table situations, while in sub-humid region, it was a high initial investment. Hence, there is need to have custom-made po...
locations for RWH structures. It was observed that runoff is the prime factor in determining the location of RWH structures compared to other parameters. It was revealed that 75.54 km2(13% of the total area) was very highly suited for the construction of RWH structures, while 114.56 km2(19...
Thus, in future, Rajasthan could be in a notable position towards solar energy deployment in India. The paper illustrates the current scenario, future potential and different routes of solar thermal energy utilization in Rajasthan.Misra, Debajit...