situated in the east-central part of the state. Along with Jaipur, there are other vibrant cities:Udaipur,Jodhpur,Jaisalmerand Ajmer. The word Rajasthan means “The Abode of Rajas.” The state was previously called Rajputana, which means “The Country of the Rajputs” (sons of rajas or pr...
Hi! My name is Rajasthan. I am named after a state in India. Indi a is a large country in southern Asia. It has the second largest population(人口) in the world.People in Indi a mainly speak 33 different languages. The main language in our country is Hindi(印地语). Do you know ...
印度,Rajasthan,Alwar,Kathoowas的邮编 邮编地名/城市乡/村/社区县/郡州/市纬度经度地图 301704KathoowasNeemranaAlwarRajasthan28.109676.3854查看地图
1). Administratively, the state is subdivided into 33 districts, which intersects the state diagonally from northeast to southwest into three-fifths northwestern desertic zone and two-fifths eastern semi-arid region. Rajasthan experiences diverse climatic conditions ranging from extreme aridity in the ...
Rajasthan is one of the largest states located in the North-western part of India. The southern part of Rajasthan state comprises of a large populatio..Shafkat RanaDilip Kumar SharmaPP Paliwal
1. It is situated at the height between 250 and 300 m above mean sea level (MSL). It is in arid zone and covers about 11.60% of total geographical area of Rajasthan state. The annual average precipitation is 302 mm. The important rivers in the district are Luni and Mithri. The ...
Rajasthan is territorially the largest state of India. Explore the possibilities of travel and tourism in the state of Rajasthan.
DRajendra Singh is considered a hero in the state ofRajasthan, in India, for single-handedly reviving five rivers thathad been dried-up for decades.Singh, who studied Ayurvedic medicine at college, hadalways dreamed of becoming a farmer. So when he moved toRajasthan's Alwar district after gra...
Rajendra Singh is considered a hero in the state of Rajasthan, India, for single-handedly saving five rivers that had been dried up for decades.Singh, who studied Ayurvedic medicine at college, had always dreamed of becoming a farmer. So when he moved to Rajasthan's Alwar district in 1985,...