At M. E. School in Tucson, Arizona, raising fish at school tilapia was one small answer to a big problem:many people in the neighborhood didn't oop一 、have enough food. The students could eat breakfast and lunch at school, but their families didn't always have enough money for dinner...
to 20 parts per thousand (sea water is 35 ppt). Salt can be added to discourage pests and to create a warmer layer in a deep pond during the winter. It can also help to control overpopulation: Fry numbers decline substantially at 10 ppt salinity. See:Tilapia Aquaculture Environment: ...
Before raising tilapia, the ponds were filled with shrimp.饲养罗非鱼之前,这些水塘里面养的是虾。 Do you think Tinker Bell was grateful to Wendy for raising her arm?你认为小叮当会因为温迪举起胳膊而感激她吗? Merian started raising insects at home, mostly butterflies and caterpillars.梅里安开始在家里...
Raising tilapia at school no fish talePhyllis Coulter
I would start of with a few fingerlings of tilapia, carp and catfish in the dam. Khaki Campbell’s can supply you with large numbers of eggs while increasing the nutrient content of your irrigation water and feeding the fish. Water could act as protection against theft. Khaki’s are ...