Two flags were raised on the summit of Mount Suribachi in Japan during the Battle of Iwo Jima, but one of those flags would be captured in a photograph and immortalized forever.
Lindberg for the sacrifices you made during that bloody nightmare called Iwo Jima: It was the job of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, to capture Mount Suribachi. They reached the base of the mountain on the afternoon of February 21, and by nightfall the next day the Marines had almost ...
Tale of Six Boys - Flag Raising on Mt. Suribachi StoryThis is a copyrighted story by Michael Powers and can be read on his web site: Read the Story Click one to vote: Did you like it? Or not? Next Story: The Christmas ScoutAll Stories Comment or Question about this page: Your ...
One Moment of Glory; Flag-raising on Mount Suribachi, February 23, 1945Richard Harwood