The photograph at the right of Marines raising the American flag at the summit of Mt. Suribachi during the battle for Iwo Jima has become an enduring image of bravery and heroism. However, this was actually the second flag raised on the mountain's summit that day. The first flag-raising ...
The Battle of Iwo Jima began after American forces invaded the island on Feb. 19, 1945. The battle lasted for five weeks and was considered one of the bloodiest military campaigns of World War II and in the history of the Marine Corps, according to The National WWII Museum. ...
Prois, Darlene
SCARS & STRIPES; (1)an Iconic Image of Flag-Raising Marines Turned the Bitter WWII Battle of Iwo Jima into a US Publicity Coup. but a Book by One Hero's Son Told a Very Different Story - and Inspired Clint Eastwood to Make Flags of Our Fathers. Here, James Bradley Exposes the Sad ...