Crazy cold. The kind of cold that freezes your garage door shut, and results in completely un-helpful outbursts blaming your ex-husband for the weather. I was so excited for our soup. Probably more excited than one should get about soup but whatever. I lift the lid. No steam. And that...
For us, we have this yard that seems unusable in the winter. We look out to ugly colors of green and brown on the ground. When we get out of our cars we hustle to walk up the path to escape the cold. I’m sure for others you pull into your garage, shut the garage door behind...
The motors are mounted along the door tracks and there is no motor unit that must be mounted in the cargo space of the truck in the matter of a garage door opener the current invention is more suited for commercial vehicle use. The motors are synchronized in order to avoid having the ...
For us, we have this yard that seems unusable in the winter. We look out to ugly colors of green and brown on the ground. When we get out of our cars we hustle to walk up the path to escape the cold. I’m sure for others you pull into your garage, shut the garage door behind...