Blood tests showed an elevated free T4 (43.4) with normal TSH (3.10). Systemic examination was normal and remained so over the following months. Repeat thyroid function tests showed persistently elevated T4 with normal TSH. At 2 years old, genetic analysis revealed she is heterozygous for TR...
Thyrotropin TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone Tg: Thyroglobulin FNA: Fine-needle aspiration FTC: Follicular thyroid cancer fT4: free T4 fT3: free T3 TgAb: Thyroglobulin antibody TMAb: antimicrosomal antibody OR: Odds ratio.References Sherman SI: Thyroid carcinoma. Lancet. 2003, 361: 50...
The eight hypothyroid patients had normal glutathione S-transferase values at presentation and all showed a significant increase in these after thyroxine replacement therapy. In three of these patients in whom standard doses of replacement therapy were associated with a raised free thyroxine (T4) ...