(redirected fromRaised Beaches) Encyclopedia raised beach n (Physical Geography) a wave-cut platform raised above the shoreline by a relative fall in the water level Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
GEOGRAPHY EDUCATIONCRITICAL THINKINGRaised beaches developed during Holocene times along the northern Beagle Channel coast. These deposits contain a rich marine fauna, especially shelled organisms such as mollusks.Four Holocene marine sites along the northern coast of the Beagle Channel have been analysed;...
L.: Dating High Arctic Holocene 941 relative sea level changes using juvenile articulated marine shells in raised beaches, 942 Quaternary Science Reviews, 48, 61-66, 2012.Long, A.J, Strzelecki, M.C., Lloyd, J.M., Bryant, C., 2012. Dat- ing High Arctic Holocene relative sea level ...