When I see a startup with young founders that is fabulously successful at fundraising, I mentally decrease my estimate of the probability that they'll succeed. The press may be writing about them as if they'd been anointed as the next Google, but I'm thinking "this is going to end badl...
A company without venture can trundle along for years, making a living for its owners. When an acquisition offer comes along, the decision to take it or leave it is up to the owners. No one else gets a say. This is not true of a venture-backed business. This will be important later...
Don't worry; we understand that there's a long way to go… considering Google Drive's NPS is 50! We asked the NPS question to every customer using our product for more than three months as an in-product pop-up banner. If the customer didn't respond, we showed them...
Become the TOP candidateby working one-on-one with amultiple award-winning executive resume writerand former recruiter skilled in positioning 3,600+ leaders for success at Amazon, Eli Lilly, GE, Disney, Google, EY, Kaiser, Oracle, Ericsson, UHC, Intel, Pfizer, UC Health, and others. Your ...
When measuring online success, remember that online communications increase an organization's capacity to build stronger, more personalized relationships. And, that often leads to greater lifetime value of each donor. ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE NEXT GENERATION OF DONORS It's more complicated to ...
Executive Chef Asher Blackford leads the talented culinary team at The Louise's Appellation Restaurant. Emerging from a $3 million refurbishment in September 2022, the hotel offers 15 contemporary suites plus a luxe bar pouring local wines, brews and small-batch cocktails. ...
As a 16 year old young man, even i start to understand that some big companies *cough google and amazon cough* aren't paying enough tax to keep 'the working class' out of poverty and living happily. without these taxes from these companies, wages cant increases in time with the prices ...
Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOG) are the major downstream firms in the markets for eBooks and apps. Apple uses the so-called ‘agency’ business model to regulate the vertical relationship in the value chain. With this model: ...
You may think, “But I don’t use social media, and neither do my (conservative, old-school) potential investors!” The reality: you and your target investors are in the social media matrix whether you like it or not. Your potential investors search for you on Google before doing ...
Racist and inequitable schools in the United States espouse an anti-Black and color blind curriculum that negatively impacts Black students’ lives. Black schools, including homeschools, are a strategic response to racist public and private schools and a