abap raise的用法 在ABAP语言中,RAISE语句主要用于引发异常,即抛出一个异常事件。其用法如下: 1. RAISE EXCEPTION类型。通过指定类型来引发指定类型的异常。例如: ``` RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_custom_exception. ``` 2. RAISE EXCEPTION NEW类型。通过使用NEW关键字来创建一个新的异常实例,并引发该异常。例如: ...
definition of the handler, the context of the exception is closed before or after the handler is executed, where somecleanup tasksmay be performed. During handling, processing can only be resumed again after the statementRAISE EXCEPTION, without closing the context, if the additionRESUMABLEis ...
abap raise命令使用方法 在ABAP中,使用RAISE语句来触发一个异常处理。RAISE语句可以根据需要自定义异常信息,并将异常传递给调用层。 以下是RAISE语句的基本语法: ``` RAISE exception TYPE exception_type EXPORTING text = 'Exception Message' exception_arguments. ``` - `exception_type`是一个预定义的异常类型或...
RAISE exception. Effect RAISEcan be specified in a method only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the method. SpecifyRAISEin function modules only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the function module. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I have a dump coming in my system "RAISE_EXCEPTION". More Details are as follows: Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised. A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLCNDP " raised the exception condition "CNTL_ERROR". Since the exception was not...
In dump analysis I`m getting RAISE_EXCEPTION error. Why it happens? . Could anybody explain please. Thanks, Joe. Error analysis A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLCNDP " raised the exception condition "CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR". Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program...
Dear Team, In my Product server This ABAP Dump is continues is comming. Runtime Errors RAISE_EXCEPTION Date and Time 16.06.2009 12:06:47 Short text Exception condition
Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised. What happened? The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected situation. What can you do? Print out the error message (using the "Print" function) and make a note of the actions and input that caused the ...
9,129 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Is it possible in ABAP OO to raise an exception while at the same time returning a value? I don't want to EXPORT(I'm not sure why this is even allowed in OO), but RETURN. Thanks!Reply...
Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program in the hierarchy, processing was terminated. Dev Trace: ABAP Program ZH_WORD_DOC_COPY . Source ZH_WORD_DOC_COPY Line 558. Error Code RAISE_EXCEPTION. Module $Id: //bas/640_REL/src/krn/runt/abfunc.c#22 $ SAP. ...