Most people have set a standard space for backyard chickens, i.e. 4 sq. ft of coop space per chicken with 10 sq. ft per chicken to let it run. However, there’s a lot more to know besides allocating this standard rule of thumb. The space required to raise healthy chickens depends o...
Chicken Coop: Building a Shelter for your Chickens A chicken coop doesn’t have to be overly complicated or expensive. In fact, a decent coop can be made with materials that you probably already have. The basic Chicken coop is made up of some wood and a couple of feet of chicken wire....
Raising chickens by starting with baby chicks at home or in your backyard is a wonderful and adorable way to start your first time chicken keeping adventure. Raising baby chicks isn't hard and with just a little help, even your kids could take the lead in caring for your new fluffy baby ...
The shells of duck eggs are slightly more difficult to crack and are pearly white rather than chalk white as in chicken eggs—but I can’t see these as disadvantages. The albumen of duck eggs is somewhat firmer and usually takes slightly longer to whip up for meringues and angel food cakes...
Birds need enough space to roam freely and prevent boredom. If you provide them with adequate space you keep them friendly and free of any unwanted stress. Most farmers recommend roughly two square feet within the coop and eight square feet in the outside per chicken. Free-range chickens need...
If you want to raise chickens in your backyard, read and bookmark our ultimate guide on raising chickens from the “chicken experts”: 4. Goats Goats are magnificent farm animals to keep on your homestead. They are great at clearing brush, a meat source, and also great for dairy. If you...
11 Best Mail-Order Backyard Chicken Coops Creative Ways to Decorate Your Chicken Coop Chicken Coops You Can Order Online Aivituvin Aivituvin Large Chicken Coop with Run $1,164 at Home Depot Petmate Superior Construction Chicken Coop $600 at Tractor Supply Co ...
Did you know thatduck eggsare not only larger than chicken eggs, they’re also higher in fat, which means that your baked goods will raise higher and taste richer. If you’re thinking of adding a few ducks to your backyard, you’ll want to learn how to raise ducklings. While adult du...
Imagine a fresh farm egg every day, and all you have to do is walk to your backyard. That’s the thought behind a new Austin-based startup named Coop. They’re building an AI-powered, smart chicken coop with the goal of making anyone an instant backyard
You might be tempted to raise chicken and quail in the same area (who wouldn’t want double the meat and eggs?), but I don’t recommend it. A chicken is more than six times larger than a quail, and they aren’t afraid to throw their weight around. Chickens will typically bully the...