Looking forward to NASH Bash this Saturday, 29 September at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville to not only celebrate my return but National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. If you would like tomake a donationto give all kids diagnosed with cancer a better chance at living the full life they deser...
My first ELO show was at the Garden in 1978 with their original spaceship. The spaceship opened and the band emerged from inside. In 1978, it was pretty spectacular. The group became huge, then split and had a number of legal-entanglements. Drummer Bev Bevan had a group, I believe ...
,gf or Ctrl-f - same as vim normal gf (go to file), but in a vertical split (works with file.rb:123 line numbers also) gF - standard vim mapping, here for completeness (go to file at line number) K - Search the current word under the cursor and show results in quickfix window...