The green iguana is a large lizard that lives in the forests of Central and South America. Although this rainforest reptile looks fierce, it mainly eats plants. The species isarboreal(tree-dwelling). It is often found near water, and is anexcellent swimmer. The closely-relatedLesser Antillean...
Aroid, Anthurium species, Philodendron species, Alocasia species, aroid, ExoticRainforest, Exotic and rare aroids, tropical plants, Philodendron, Anthurium, alocasia, Brazil, Ecuador, Perus, Colombia, French Guiana, tropical Plant species from the rain f
Their 4 are 13, 9, 4 and 1. The oldest one is the13-year-old sister, Lesly. Maybe at first they felt _5_ because there are many kinds of dangerous animals like lions, tigers and snakes in the forest. But Lesly _6_ a lot about the plants and the danger of the forest from ...
After our break, we continued on through some more fields, forests and a neighborhood of haciendas until we got back to the stables. We only trotted or galloped a very small amount (though people that didn’t want to could just walk their horses). ...
If you are interested in the Costa Rican wildlife, and in eating freshly cooked, delicious, relatively local food - this is the place for you! The lodges/rooms are set into the forest, so you are surrounded by wonderful plants and animals all the time. There are well-maintained trails ...
The guides made frequent stops and pointed out all sorts of interesting things — every time a bird chirped, they would identify it for us. They told us about a number of the plants that grew along the way and their uses. They talked about the island, how it was formed, the original ...
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Local knowledge about the healing properties of different indigenous plants might help scientists find cures for diseases, linguists conjecture; it might help us think more holistically about environmental sustainability and well-being more generally. It might provide us with insights into nature and the...
plants are the foundation for everything that lives there and the most important to study,” says Foster. “Giving them unique names is the best way to organize information about them and call attention to them. A single rare species may not by itself be important to...
The Amazon Rainforest is the world’s richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing several millionspeciesofinsects,plants,birds, and other forms oflife, many still unrecorded byscience. The luxuriant vegetationencompassesa wide variety oftrees, including many species ofmyrtle,laurel,palm, ...