In addition to mapping the acoustic landscape, bioacoustics is instrumental in identifying bioindicators—species that signal an ecosystem’s health. Andres Celis, a Microsoft researcher in Artificial Intelligence, sheds light on their importance: “Key species identified through bioacoustics reveal a fores...
What is the landscape in a temperate forest like? What forest biome has the most nutrient rich soil? What is National Forest System land? What are some countries that are in a temperate forest biome? What are the ecological characteristics of the Amazon Basin? Second to the rainforest, which...
In contrast, we found little effect of soil characteristics and the native community on exotic invasion, but a negative influence of exotic invasion on the native tree sapling and seedling communities. Fragmentation drives propagule pressure to increase invasion Landscape fragmentation (i.e. lower ...
We tested specificity of bird—plant interactions by examining various statistical associations between bird and plant characteristics to identify key factors in consistent patterns of fruit consumption, if any. Bird families were significantly associated with different types of fruits: cuckoo-shrikes, ...
We evaluated recent migration rates among populations as well as landscape resistance to gene flow. Finally, we calculated the sex ratio of the populations in both habitats. Key results: Populations of wild papaya in rainforest fragments showed lower genetic diversity and higher population ...
ass es sm ent o n landscape d ev elo pment still perceiv ed to have minimum impact,j udging from the rate of conversion of fo rested areas to other uses [1 6-1 8]. T h erefore。the minimal imp act risk att rib ut ed due to landscap e d evelopm ent to it s ecolog...
Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Melo FPL, Martínez-Ramos M, Bongers F, Chazdon RL, Meave JA, Norden N, Santos BA, Leal IR, Tabarelli M (2017) Multiple successional pathways in human-modified tropical landscapes: new insights from forest succession, forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research. Bio...
Methods: Native and exotic plants were surveyed in 47 plots at 17 forest sites, spanning gradients in landscape-scale fragmentation and local forest disturbance. Using partial least squares path-modelling, we examined correlations between invasion, fragmentation, forest disturbance, propagule pressure, ...
Overall, landscape emissions from this ecosystem are at the lowest end of the spectrum reported for tropical forests, consist with multiple metrics indicating that these highly productive forests retain N tightly and have low plant-available losses. These data point to connections between canopy and ...
The genetic signatures of varying evolutionary histories were detected, and interesting associative patterns between functional characteristics and genetic diversity were identified. This approach can suit a wide range of landscape-level studies. As the key laboratory-based steps do not require prior ...