As night falls in Lapetanha, Rone joins Almir and other neighbors in the center of the village. They slap mosquitoes and swap stories in their native Tupi-Monde language. One woman sits on a thatch mat weaving baskets from palm fronds. A young boy watches Batman YouTube videos on ...
The views will never fail to dazzle at Pacuare Lodge. This location is simply amazing for bird and animal lovers. Four lookout areas on the second floor of the lodge offer great opportunities to get photos of the river and rainforest. The upper floor also contains a small bar with locally...
If heights aren’t for you, there’s always a jungle hike along one of Hacienda Baru’s nature trails. When we went hiking, we had the trails all to ourself, so we were able to enjoy the sounds of the jungle, as well as the different species of plants and wildlife. Hacienda Baru a...