Most recent rainfall totals and current conditions for Denton Texas along with past yearly rain history records broken down into months and days.
Rainfall events are globally becoming less frequent but more intense under a changing climate, thereby shifting climatic conditions for terrestrial vegetation independent of annual rainfall totals1,2,3. However, it remains uncertain how changes in daily rainfall variability are affecting global vegetation ...
Since Friday morning, southern Minnesota has been hammered by round after round of excessive rainfall, resulting in high rainfall totals and flooding.
Totaling it all together, the 5 day rain event led to rainfall totals generally less than an inch for the western Hill Country, Edwards Plateau, and Rio Grande Plains. The I-35 corridor picked up 3-8 inches of rain and the Coastal Plains had 5-15 inches of rain. A maximum of 14.45 ...
We defined the timing of the rainy season at grid-scale by the dates of the onset and cessation of rainfall based on pentad (5-day) rainfall totals. In the first step, we computed for each grid cell the climatological mean rainfall Pc of each pentad i of the calendar year as:Pc,i=(...
Divide by the number of years in your data set to arrive at the average monthly rainfall for any location. An example of the complete calculation for a 10-year average monthly rainfall should look like this: 3.2 (inches of rain) + 3.1 + 2.9 + 3.7 + 2.9 + 4.1 + 3.5 + 2.8 + 2.9 ...
a rainfall amount greater than or equal to 1.0 mm was used as a benchmark to define a rainy day [58]. The start date or onset of theKiremtgrowing season was determined using the criteria developed by Segele and Lamb (2005). It is identified as the date when there is recorded rainfall...
The agency advised drivers in the area to avoid flooded roads — according to National Weather Service data, almost half of all flood-related deaths in the United States each year involve vehicles. Although the Florida counties farthest south on the peninsula were expected to see the most damagin...
Additionally, the total number of rain spells in each year was also considered. Dryness was analyzed using the dry days since last rain approach. Besides the evaluation over the entire 150-year period available, we have also looked into three equally spaced sub-periods. Lisbon reveals large ...
The highest PRCPTOT values (from 1000 to more than 1400 mm year−1) are confined over the mountainous areas of western Ethiopia, Lake Victoria, and the Ruwenzori Mountain Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Very low precipitation values (PRCPTOT ...