Texas - United States 2025-03-17 Monday 29.37N, -100.90WDel RioWeather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Del Rio Texas - United States 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 07:129° Few Clouds AQI Today: It's Sunny during the day and Partly Cloudy at night, much hotter than yesterday....
Texas City real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
Well, one thing is for sure, no matter what picture you have of yourself in Texas today, you better envision having an umbrella. And in some Texas counties, you might want to have a boat.There is rain happening and more rain coming.The threat of flooding rains runs from El Paso in th...
Some of the tropical models push Beryl deeper into Texas and Mexico while others have the storm turning more northerly and moving into the Texas Hill Country.Should the "Hill Country Scenario" be the one that unfolds, and that is the scenario the National Hurricane Center is going with, that...
Daily Spot Quotations, Pg 5, 6 (Upland, E. Texas-OK differences)USDA - Tue Mar 04, 7:43PM UTC Texas Combined Weekly Wtd AvgUSDA - Fri Feb 28, 7:59AM UTC More news... Market Alerts Sign Up Today For Mobile Alerts Click Here For Details ...
For Wednesday, the majority of the flood threat shifts more toward the Texas coastline, however, Lufkin, Diboll, Hudson, and Huntington are still included in this slight (yellow) risk area. NWS Severe Weather Chances Even though heavy downpours along with some thunderstorms are possible, the Sto...
From March to the end of August in 2011, severe drought and heatwaves impacted much of the Southern Plains and Southwest United States. Range and pasture lands were in poor condition for much of the 2011 growing season and the drought took its toll on Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona,...
forecast for the region today calls for the possibility of excessive rainfall. The enhanced rain threat is being blamed on an abundance of Gulf of Mexico moisture which is being pulled onshore by a tropical weather system that has been spinning just off the Texas coast for most of this week...
In the last 20 years, ground-based scanning weather radars have revolutionized quantitative rainfall estimation around the world. Today, in many places they serve as the primary observing system for rainfall estimation in various applications. One can only expect that the use of radar will spread ...
This study is a forensic investigation of how two well-known satellite rainfall products, available at native scales that are much coarser than that ideally needed for detecting heavy rainfall-induced localized flooding, might have performed for July 2002 flooding in south-central Texas. These two ...