Sendafa real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
Rainfall triggered landslides occur in all mountain ranges posing threats to people and the environment. Given the projected climate changes, the risk posed by landslides is expected to increase, and the ability to anticipate their occurrence is key for
(2) to detect the change point for all sub-divisions; (3) to explore the change point wise rainfall variability and trend analysis; (4) to detect trend using innovative trend analysis; (5) to predict and forecast rainfall up to 2030 for all sub-divisions; (6) to investigate the causes...
3 Day Rain Forecast 5 Day Rain Forecast Cumulative Rainfall Leaflet 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 WIND (kt) 5 10 15 35 75 Image Stills Image Stills 1:00PMWed 5 Mar 2025 4:00PMWed 5 Mar 2025 7:00PMWed 5 Mar 2025 ...
Next, the focus is on precipitation analysis and precipitation forecast skill relative to one particular event: an extreme rainfall episode which occurred in late July 2010 in Pakistan, causing massive floods along the Indus River Valley. Results show that, in addition to improving the global ...
The Japan Weather Association provides 5 km grids up to 15 days ahead, and the SIP project aims to provide 1 km grids up to 15 days ahead by utilizing AI downscaling [13,28,29]. 2.4.4. Amount Accuracy of Rainfall Forecast Rainfall forecasts that introduced various amounts of uncertainty...
Rainfall forecast for forthcoming years 2022–2027 (green line splits the validation and forecast period). Table 3. Future rainfall forecast, along with intensity. The year 2021 has more rainfall than the next 6 years with 1242.75 mm, whereas 2022 may receive less rainfall with 1206.88 mm ...
As a next step, a pattern matching technique is used for estimating the location error (Section 3). In this case the best match between the forecast and observed entities is done by maximizing the correlation coefficient (Pearson correlation) between the forecast and observed fields. Fig. 7, ...
If this happens as the tropical cyclone approaches a coastline, there may be large differences between the forecast landfall positions and actual landfall. As a tropical cyclone makes landfall, surface friction increases, which in turn increases the convergence of airflow into the eyewall and the ...
Visibility 24H Forecast 7pm 9pm 11pm 1am 3am 5am 7am 9am 11am 1pm 3pm 5pm Temperature + − See More Sun and Moon Sunrise 06:06 Sunset 18:28 Waxing gibbous Moonrise 15:49 Moonset 01:57 Satellite imagery FREE WEATHER WIDGET