Ram的干员代号是她的本名崔宝蓝的“蓝”字韩语发音,同时也有“撞击”或者“冲撞槌”的意思。 Ram的装备因为体积巨大,难以摧毁且破坏力巨大等种种特征被大部分玩家戏称为“泥头车”。 有时候有些玩家也会用这个道具来审问倒地的敌人,或者利用它能够造成伤害的机制去对付Clash。
《汤姆克兰西之彩虹六号:围攻》(英语:Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege),也常简称为彩六、R6或R6s,是一款由育碧蒙特利尔开发、育碧软件发行的第一人称战术射击游戏。本作是《汤姆克兰西之彩虹六号系列》的正统续作。《彩虹六号:围攻》主打多人游戏,游戏系统着重于小队对抗,而单人模式也以教学为主,不像前作更...
The Rainbow Six Siege team would like to thank the NCSA team for their support and their involvement. Special Thanks The Rainbow Six Siege team would like to thank all the following teams for their support and their involvement. Fire without Smoke ...
The Rainbow Six Siege team would like to thank the NCSA team for their support and their involvement. Special Thanks The Rainbow Six Siege team would like to thank all the following teams for their support and their involvement. Fire without Smoke ...
the first closed beta will feature two maps Bank and Border; with more maps to come. As usual, you will be able to choose from 5 Attacking Operators and 5 Defending Operators. You will first need to choose whether you want to be a Defender or an Attacker. Each character has a set of...
to keep audiences engaged. As a result, it saw collaborations with WWE, Yakuza, Ubisoft’sAssassin’s Creed, and even Nier. With this new leak, it looks like Ubisoft bagged a new character to bring into the fold. Master Chief from Xbox’s Halo franchise is set...
Jordan Ramée Jordan dove into Archaean-infested hives for 21 hours, playing Rainbow Six Extraction on Xbox Series X. He really digs playing as Ela, utilizing her Grzmot Mines to defend his allies and (mostly) himself from the hardest-hitting enemies--nobody better open Siege and tell Hiban...
- First of all, the Dark Elf Frelia aka the main character, is fully dubbed - Then the arts are nice and well drawn - Futhermore the game is quite long. It took me around 10 hours to complete one path - Also includes 7 endings with 2 different paths (good and bad ones), if you...
Update 5.0; November 17, 2016 Patch: Character models revamped. GSG 9 Recruit Defender's number Barbed Wire is reduced from 3 to 2. Update 3.0; May 10, 2016 Patch: FBI SWAT Recruit is changed to a Heavy Armored Operator when a Ballistic Shield is equipped. Operators of Tom Clancy's Ra...
游戏开始时默认手持伸缩护盾,按下1或滚动可以在手持和把伸缩护盾背在身后之间切换; 护盾背在身后时单击会切换至手持并伸展护盾。 详细信息 注:此处仅为对伸缩盾展开状态下的说明,一般的情况详见防弹护盾页面。 伸缩盾完全展开后,会获得正前方的全身防护,防护过程中: 可以移动或缓慢移动,不能下蹲、侧身、匍匐、翻越...