Rainbow Six: Siege Rainbow Six Siege is a team-based tactical shooter set in an indoor environment. It is a 5v5 asymmetrical confrontation, between Attackers and Defenders, that encompasses a battle between fortification and breaching. Rainbow Six is an elite team composed of members of the best...
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ОперативникиTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Стартовые Новобранец·Ash· Bandit·Blitz·Castle·Doc·Fuze·Glaz·IQ·Jäger·Kapkan·Montagne·Mute·Pulse·Rook·Sledge·Smoke·Tachankin· Thatcher·Thermite·Twitch ...
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Оперативники Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Стартовые Новобранец· Ash· Bandit· Blitz· Castle· Doc· Fuze· Glaz· IQ· Jäger· Kapkan· Montagne· Mute· Pulse· Rook· Sledge· Smoke· Tachankin· Thatcher· Thermite· Twitch Год 1 Buck...
当前 Castle Caveira Desert Eagle.50 Doc Echo FAMAS F2 FBI SWAT FMG-9 FN FAL Frost Fuze G36C GIGN GSG-9 GSH-18 Glaz HK 21 HK USP Hibana Hk 417 IQ JTF-2 Jäger Kapkan L85A2 LFP-586 M1014 M12 M249 M45 MEUSOC M590A1 M870
Characters of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Operators Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Void Edge Characters of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Advertisement Explore properties Fandom Muthead Fanatical ...
Gerald Morris, also known as Deimos is the main antagonist of the 2015 first-person shooter video game Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Siege. He is a former Rainbow operator turned terrorist working in shadows to take down Team Rainbow. He was the one behind the assassination of Masayuki Yahata ...
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is inspired by real world counter-terrorist organizations, and inserts players in the middle of lethal close-quarters engagements. For the first time in a Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six game, players can choose from a variety o
Rainbow Six was my introduction - and pretty much anyone else's for that matter - to squad based tactical shooters - it was damned hard though, when I was 19 I could JUST get my head around the controls and the call signs and the go commands and the waypoints - it was not, was def...