If you are looking for a fun, easy Rainbow Loom bracelet design, try the Swirl bracelet by WebKinzFun99. Here is the tutorial:
Rainbow Loom: Lily Charm : This is a really easy lily charm to make. This can be done on a crochet hook too. - Latest tutorial: https://www.instructables.com/id/Rainbow-Loom-Tripl... (Triple Link Chain) Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ra
Are your kids Rainbow Loom crazy?My oldest got aRainbow Loomlast year for Christmas and has been a bracelet making machine ever since! Once my 5 year old hit kindergarten he wanted a Rainbow Loom too. His sister let him practice on hers, but that left only one for everyone to use. Ins...
We love our brand new Weave bracelet! Not only is it a stunning design – you can make it on one loom! We love the design so much, we’ve make six of them! Want to make your own Weave bracelet? Check out our video tutorial:...
*Scroll to the bottom for the Easter Egg Chick and Bunny Tutorial* If you have crafty little ones (or maybe yourself), you’ve probably heard of the popularRainbow Loom . It started out as a rubber band bracelet making kit (includes loom, hook, and rubber bands), but it can actually ...
Two looms are required to make this project. If you would like to make your own Octopus, watch our video tutorial:
Instructions, tutorials, original designs, pattern ideas, loom photo booth, loom emojis and videos for all levels of Rainbow Loomers. This app is continually updated and provides you easy access to basic, intermediate and expert tutorial videos. Scour through hundreds of images and videos showing ...
who enjoy DIY crafts, as it can be customized to fit individual preferences. With its easy-to-follow rainbow loom bracelet tutorial with finger, how to make wave friendship bracelet, and bracelet made from recycled plastic instructions, this bracelet is a fun and educational activity for all ...
Here’s our first tutorial on how to make t-shirt yarn and weave a round rug. Pin it!How to make t-shirt yarn and weave a round rug. Optional but very helpful: this great rotary cutter really speeds up the t-shirt yarn making process, and here’s a cutting mat to use with the ...
Many people asked us on how to make starburst bracelet rainbow loom, so we created this easy and quick tutorial on how to do it so that you can make it literally in 20 minutes or so.Here's the full video version and article where we explained every step of creating a Starburst ...