coloring book coloring material colorise colorist colorize colorless colorlessness colors Colors of the rainbow Colossae colossal Colosseum Colossian Colossians colossus Colossus of Rhodes colostomy colostrum colour colour bar colour blindness colour constancy colour in colour line colour of law colour scheme...
rainbow disconnection coloring (number)line graphAn edge-cut of an edge-colored connected graph is called a rainbow cut if no two edges in the edge-cut are colored the same.An edge-colored graph is rainbow disconnected if for any two distinct vertices u and v of the graph,there exists a...
An edge-colored graph G is rainbow connected if every pair of vertices of G are connected by a path whose edges have distinct colors. The rainbow connection number rc(G) of G is defined to be the minimum integer t such that there exists an edge-coloring of G with t colors that makes...
introduced the anti-Ramsey number for a graph G in Kn, which is defined to be the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of Kn which does not contain any rainbow G. This is always regarded as one of rainbow generalizations of the classic Ramsey theory. Since then the anti-Ramsey ...
The rainbow number of [n] for eq, denoted rb([n], eq), is the smallest number of colors such that for every exact rb([n], eq)-coloring of [n], there exists a solution to eq with every member of the solution set assigned a distinct color. This paper focuses on linear equations ...
Since a globally k-bounded coloring is also locally k-bounded, it is enough to modify the proof of Theorem 2 by adding to the set of bad events those that take care of all the monochromatic pairs of disjoint edges. As it turned out, this changes the upper bound on k only by a ...
On rainbow domination numbers of graphs. Inf. Sci. 2014, 254, 225–234. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Figure 1. A generalized Petersen graph 𝑃(𝑛,𝑘)P(n,k). Figure 2. An inner cycle with neighbors on the outer cycle. Table 1. A 3RD-coloring of 𝑈𝑖Ui for 𝑃(6𝑘,...
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Color by Number colorful Shapes and Rainbow Art and learn numbers and colors!Draw and paint Rainbow and all color objects Pixel by Number with the right color by number. Coloring Rainbows and the pod of gold, you can even color your own Pixel Art Images which you can do in the create Pi...
For a rainbow independent set R of F and v∈R, let CR be a coloring of R and let CR(v) be the color (i.e. an independent set in the list CF(v)) assigned to v in the coloring CR and let CR=∪v∈R{CR(v)}. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. We give a ...