Regions 分布:Always follows slugcat 一直跟随蛞蝓猫 Appearance 外貌 Overseers are generally defined by being small and brightly colored, in contrast to the world's dreary and dark landscape. They are worm-like creatures characterized by a large eye at one end and the tail tapering off at the ...
wiki原址: 翻译不恰当的地方还望各位指出啦_(:з」∠)_ Scavenger 拾荒者 Scavengersare humanoid creatures which live in tribes in various areas of Rain World. They carry spears, rocks, bombs, and other items in a manner similar to the Slugcat, and can ...
分享3543 rainworld吧 昨天的卡夫卡 rainworld wiki上的简介英文:slugcat 中文:蛞蝓猫 简介(机翻):超级可爱的蛞蝓(猫)既是主要的主角,也是雨世界中唯一可玩的角色。它是一种白色的小动物,有黑色的眼睛,纤细的手臂,相对较宽的腿和小脚,宽大的耳朵和一条细到一点的粗尾巴。玩家必须让蛞蝓活着,因为他们探索世界,...
Rain World Mod Database. Contribute to aaay-aaay/RainDB development by creating an account on GitHub.
搬运并翻译自Rain World Miraheze Wiki官方: 原文链接:Pipeyard - Official Rain World Wiki ( (格式高仿b站各路搬运大佬,此专栏完全出于个人对这款游戏的兴趣,因本人能力有限,也是雨世界新手,如有错误漏译,欢迎指出补充) ... 如果你启用了倾盆大雨DLC,那么原版地区的可进化巢穴的相关信息可在{ StreamingAssets > mods > moreslugcats > modify > world > [地区名称] > world.txt }目录下找到。对于DLC中新增的地区,可进化巢穴的相关信息可在{ moreslugcats > world...
wiki原址: 有什么翻译或内容不恰当的地方欢迎指出辣!_(:з」∠)_ Overseer 监视者 Overseersare thin, hologram-like beings that pop out of the ground rapidly and appear to be watching Slugcat. One in particular has taken an interest in guiding Slugcat to...
wiki原址: 翻译不恰当的地方还望各位指出啦_(:з」∠)_ Scavenger 拾荒者 Scavengersare humanoid creatures which live in tribes in various areas of Rain World. They carry spears, rocks, bombs, and other items in a manner similar to the Slugcat, and can...