Video Deraining Methods Time Domain Detection and removal of rain from videos (CVPR2004), Garg et al[Project][PDF] When does camera see rain? (ICCV2005), Garg et al[Project][PDF] Rain removal using kalman filter in video (ICSMA2008), Park et al[PDF] ...
Rain removal using kalman filter in video (ICSMA2008), Park et al[PDF] Using the shape characteristics of rain to identify and remove rain from video (S+SSPR2008), Brewer et al[PDF] The application of histogram on rain detection in video (JCIS2008), Zhao et al[PDF] Rain or snow dete...
A similar observation can be made about the algorithm in [5], regarding the possible incompatibility with real-time operation of the prior removal of the periodic component from the input data. In many other papers [1,5] more focused on demonstrating the feasibility of RR estimation through ...