Rain prediction in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, which have been witnessing incessant rainfall for the past few days, are bracing for more showers with the possibility of Cyclone Fengal crossing the coasts near Chennai. The IMD has predicted heavy to very ...
Predicting the onset times of precipitation over densely populated cities for the purposes of timely evacuation is a challenge. This paper explored a flooding event over an urban built environment in a South Asian mega city, Chennai, where extant urban p
Biswas. Remembering 2015 Chennai Flood: How the City Suffered and Survived Heavy Rains 2 Years Back. In India Today. 2017. Available online: https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/chennai-heavy-rains-news-2015-flood-december-1075731-2017-11-04 (accessed on 8 July 2021). Kain, J.S. The Ka...