What's the weather like back home? What are you doing now?Lucy:I'm watering flowers in the garden. It's sunny and warm here!Grandpa: Lucky you! Well, enjoy your day!Lucy:You too!Grandpa: I'm always happy, rain or shine!露西:嗨,爷爷。你好吗?澳大利亚的天气怎么样?爷爷:嗨,露西。下...
Orion's Rain Superior Protection, Rain Or Shine Contact Us Other Services Solutions tailored for your perfect outdoor vision Learn More Turnkey sprinkler systems Designed specifically for each home and landscape Learn More Custom Seamless Gutter Systems Made on site to fit home and match ...
Kits, Cambie and UBC Noon - 10PM We wanna give you the scoop! Rain or Shine Ice Cream exists to make our neighbourhoods happy! This is our ultimate goal and what we strive to do through all actions of our company. OUR MENU COFFEE TOFFEE Made from a cold infusion of freshly roasted ...
Explore our Rain or Shine Men's Collection, made up of garments created with a technology suitable for any weather condition.
1.rain_or_shine不论是雨或是晴;不管发生什么事 2.stay_in=be/stay_at_home待在家里;没有外出 3.water_flowers给花浇水 4.lucky_you你真幸运 5.some_day将来;有朝一日 6.beach_volleyball沙滩排球 7.build/make_a_snowman堆雪人 8.rain_heavily下大雨 9.special_ice_works_of_art独特的冰艺术品 10...
Unit 6 Rain or Shine 1 敲黑板重点词 2 Section A 3 south n. 南部;南;南方 教材 原句south and east南 部和东部 我们住在南部海岸的一个村庄里 。 The birds will fly to the south in winter. We live in a village on the south coast. 冬天鸟儿们将飞到南方去 。 4 He lives in the south...
rain or shine rain or shine的意思是“whether there is rain or sun or whatever happens”,即“不论是雨或是晴;不管发生什么事”。当你想用英语表示无论发生什么,你都要做某事,就可以用这个习语来形容“不管发生什么”。例如:A took her daughter walking every day, rain or shine. 弗朗西丝无论晴天...
come rain or shine 的意思是风雨无阻;无论如何。 例如: Come rain or shine, I'm at my Starbucks by 7:15. 无论晴雨我都会在7:15准时到星巴克。 3 rainy day rainy day 除了"雨天",口语中还常用来形容"经济困难的日子;不...
A专项语篇型填空(情态动词和虚拟语气)Rain or shine, Tom is always the first to arrive at the office.His home 1 be very near the office, or he 2 be always in time for work. How I wish that I 3 (live) close to work, so that I 4 not get up so early every day. Yesterday, for...
Open-air life, orfriluftslivas it’s called in Scandinavia, is a philosophical lifestyle that revolves around finding joy in nature without pressure to achieve or compete. Just like there is slow food, slow parenting, and slow entertainment, friluftsliv is a form of slow nature. It is about...