frog 1 Frogburger 1 from above 1 from air 1 front 3 front view 2 frost 2 froszen 1 frozen 3 fruit 76 fruit trees 12 fruits 7 fuel 4 full 7 fun 24 fun game 1 fungi 5 funny 14 funny face 2 fur 1 furniture 51 gadget 3 gallery 9 game 23 gami...
Gunung Palung National Park's abundance of unique creatures—from orangutans to flying foxes to clouded leopards—offers a glimpse into Borneo's past.
To emphasize it once again, endemic species (those present only in a certain geographical location) are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss. As an example, there are many species of frogs endemic to small locations, such as the blue poison frog, golden poison frog, and many others. So th...
After seeing the frogs at the pond, grab this freelife cycle of a frog worksheet Avoid the summer learning loss by practicing math with thesecrack the code worksheets First Day of Summer Craft Create this gorgeousstained glass art for kids ...
As mentioned in therainforest birdsarticle, they are severely hunted for the pet trade, which, along with deforestation, has devastated hyacinth macaw numbers in the wild. Unfortunately, this is a similar story to other Amazon animals. You can still see hyacinth macaws in certain areas of the...
Thoropa taophora is a frog endemic to the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, Brazil; it occurs from sea level to 1000 m above-sea-level, including on several continental islands (Feio et al. 2006). Recently, this species was described ...
take lizards and birds. A favourite species is Chironius bicarinatus, which actively seeks out prey in shrubs and trees. Smart for a snake, there are records of this species investigating bromeliads for their frog prey. Bromeliads are often home to different frogs as the plants collect water...