raindrops, rain puddles and so on. Some of these free rain textures are really easy to use in Photoshop. Simply change the blend mode toScreen or Lightenand the effect is quite amazing. Hope you like these free textures and stock images!
Color Mapping in Photoshop To add dramatic colors to a photo in Photoshop you an use aGradient Mapadjustment layer. In this tutorial I want to create an apocalyptic photo effect. So add aGradient Mapadjustment layer and set the blend mode toHard Light, opacity 83%. The color tones for the...
32位的PNG在24位的PNG基础上增加了8位的透明信息,因此支持不同程度的半透效果。 总结 2、图形处理软件 Fireworks 在Fireworks中,以上提到的各种格式PNG都能正确生成,只要在OPTIMIZE面板中选择相应的格式即可。 Photoshop 在Photoshop(简称PS)中,PNG格式选择可以通过选择File菜单的Save for Web & Devices实现,注意: PS...
Name your backgroundbackground.pngand name the images you are using for your parallax asparallax[x].png. The[x]corresponds to the layer level, starting from 0. The smallest image should be titled parallax0.png, the second smallest, parallax1.png, and so on. This is what your folder sho...
Unity支持的图像文件格式非常多,包括TIF、PSD、TCA、JPC、PNG、GlF、BMP、IFF、PICT、DDS等。 另外,Unity还支持用Photoshop制作的包含多个图层的PSD格式的图片。PSD格式图片这图层导入Unity之后会自动合并显示,而且该操作还不会破坏PSD源文件的结构。 二、图片格式及尺寸要求 ...
PNG("89504E47"), /** * GIF. */ GIF("47494638"), /** * TIFF. */ TIFF("49492A00"), /** * Windows Bitmap. */ BMP("424D"), /** * CAD. */ DWG("41433130"), /** * Adobe Photoshop. */ PSD("38425053"), /**
PNG("89504E47"), /** * GIF. */ GIF("47494638"), /** * TIFF. */ TIFF("49492A00"), /** * Windows Bitmap. */ BMP("424D"), /** * CAD. */ DWG("41433130"), /** * Adobe Photoshop. */ PSD("38425053"), /**