Installed in parks and backyards across the globe, Rain Bird's 1800 Series is the #1 commercial-grade irrigation spray head brand in the world. Chosen for its reliability, heavy-duty materials, and versatility, the 1800 Series offers a broad selection of
R-VAN provides a full line of high-performance rotary nozzles that are engineered to deliver the most efficient coverage while offering installation and maintenance that’s faster and easier than any other rotary nozzle on the market. Plus, R-VAN Rotar
雨鸟喷嘴MPR喷嘴 品牌 RAIN,BIRD 安徽飞龙灌溉技术有限公司 5年 回头率: 28.5% 安徽 肥东县 ¥280.00 成交6个 美国亨特雨量传感器 RAIN CLIK雨水感应器下雨填自动关闭灌溉装置 上海义尔机械设备有限公司 2年 回头率: 40% 上海市 ¥3.60 大容量水乳瓶喷雾瓶卸妆水瓶100ml115ml140ml爽肤水瓶防晒...
To pull the sprinkler head out of the ground, push the K-key into the keyhole on the top of the head. You'll need to turn it a quarter turn and use it as a handle to lift the sprinkler head. Grab the lower riser assembly, which is the section immediately below the top nozzle sec...
“Wind, elevation changes and obstacles like mounds, bunkers and trees can make it difficult to apply water evenly throughout the course,” said Altan Tolan, rotor product manager for Rain Bird Golf. “Installing our new low angle nozzle housing lowers a 751 Series rotor’s sp...
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