SymbolDefinition xijtkd Whether the source point i delivers the source category d in decision time t that should be sent to the demand point j in decision time k, xijtkd∈{0,1}; yjtp The number of CR Express transportation schedule p at demand point j at decision time t, yjtp∈Ζ+;...
Environmental Impact CategoriesSymbolUnit Global Warming Potential (100 years) GWP100 kg CO2 eq Ozone Layer Depletion Potential ODP kg CFC-11 eq Acidification Potential AP kg SO2 eq Eutrophication EP kg (PO4)-3 eq Photochemical Oxidation Potential POCP kg C2H4 eq Abiotic Depletion of Fossil Resour...
第1题 The planet's oldest and largest lake, Baikal is about the size of Belgium and accounts for a fifth of the world's fresh water reserves. It is a precious resource, an area of surpassing beauty and to some extent, the very symbol of our nation. For several years, newspapers had ...