class: ( ? 'active' : ''), data: { target: uid, slide_to: index } } content_tag(:li, '', options) end def slides items = { |image, index| slide_tag(image, } content_tag(:div, safe_join(items), class: 'carousel-inner') end...
rails importmap:install 添加Bootstrap 5 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 在项目目录下执行 importmap 命令,安装 Bootstrap5bin/importmap pin bootstrap 该命令执行后会在config/importmap.rb中添加命令行中打印出的内容。 在安装 importmap 是创建的app/javascript/application.js文件中导入 ”bootstrap“: 代码语言:...
map(&:touch) end def touch super touch_associations end end Custom objectID By default, the objectID is based on your record's id. You can change this behavior specifying the :id option (be sure to use a uniq field). class UniqUser < ActiveRecord::Base include AlgoliaSearch algolia...
def map_layout append_content_security_policy_directives( :child_src => %w[], :frame_src => %w[], :connect_src => [Settings.nominatim_url, Settings.overpass_url, Settings.fossgis_osrm_url, ...
Importmap-rails provides a clean API for mapping "bare module specifiers" like "react" to 1 of the 3 viable ways of loading ES Module javascript packages. For example: # config/importmap.rb pin "react", to: "" means "everytime you see...
ActionController::Routing::Routes.drawdo|map| map.root :controller=>'posts' map.resources :posts end 这里有条新语句:'map.root' ,和 map.connect ,:controller => 'posts' 的效果一样。这语句没做什么其他的事仅仅是把Routes变的精练了点。当你设置好了这个后,别忘记了删除 blog\public\index.html文件...
map.hello "hello/:id", :controller => "infos", :action => "index" 1> hello_url(:id => 1)或hello_url :controller => "infos", :action => "index" 可以访问这个url。 注意: 以上url可以用path替代。 2> 地址栏中可以输入hello访问这个url。
map.with_options(:namespace=>'admin') do |admin| admin.resources :books, :box end 可我访问/admin/books时Rails却报告No route matches。再试了一下访问/books,却有结果了,结果是:NameError in AdminbooksController#index ——它在原来的BooksController前边加了一个Admin并且把B小写了…… ...
mysql认为可能还用到了唯一索引,但实际并没有用到,还是只用到了联合索引, 再看key_len的长度和情况...