在Rails中,可以使用link_to方法来重命名路由。例如,如果要将users路由重命名为members,可以在视图文件中添加以下代码: 代码语言:ruby 复制 <%= link_to 'Members', users_path %> 这将会将链接文本更改为Members,但链接的URL仍然是/users。 使用to_param方法重命名路由 ...
Motivation / Background The Getting Started guide's Unsubscribe Link Section adds the unsubscribe route without specifying the param as token, but the rest of the code assumes that the param is tok...
First, add Compony to your Gemfile: gem 'compony' Then run bundle install. Create the directory app/components. In app/models/application_record.rb, add the following line below primary_abstract_class: include Compony::ModelMixin Installing CanCanCan Create the file app/models/ability.rb with th...
add_index :events, :friendly_id, :unique => true 2. 使用to_param方法:self.friendly_id 3. 所有相关Controller action 改用@event = Event.find_by(friendly_id: params[:id]) 4. model.rb中,增加一个before_validation :generate_XXX, on:[:create],然后设置这个方法为friendly_id ||= SecureRandom...
Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query throws exceptions, leads to 500 errors on every Rails app was updated by klkk 03:18 AM #2611 / 3.x / ✓stale ticket Array#to_proc was updated by klkk 03:17 AM #1253 / 2.x / ✓wontfix ticket Add assert_select helper to ActionView::TestCa...
Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 6 For Shopify Apps originally built using the Shopify App gem and when switching from the Legacy to the oAuth2 authentication solution, you will need to point the Shopify Admin link to the authenticate action instead of the finalize action. So you need...
worker.perform_async(@roster_id,self.to_json) when"RosterLinkToSchoolAddressWorker" worker=Object.const_get(@current_step) worker.perform_async(@roster_id,self.to_json) else Rails.logger.info"Finished AddIndividiualCmd for roster [#{@roster_id}]" ...
unless read_fragment({:page => params[:page] || 1}) # Add the page param to the cache naming @post_pages, @post = paginate :posts, :per_page => 10 end end rhtml 页面也需要改写: <% cache ({:page => params[:page] || 1}) do %> ...
link_to product.name, "/products/#{product.to_param}" %></td> <td><%= product.category.name if product.category %></td> <td class="price"><%= "$%.2f" % product.price %></td> <td><%= link_to "edit", "/products/#{product.to_param}/edit" %></td> </tr> <% end ...