file_field方法不接受一个参数的情况是指没有指定object_name和method,即没有指定表单对象和属性。这是因为file_field需要知道文件上传字段应该绑定到哪个模型对象的哪个属性上。 如果要使用file_field方法,需要确保传递正确的参数,例如: <%= form.file_field :avatar %> 上述代码中,form表示表单对象,:avatar表示...'public','uploads',uploaded_io.original_filename),'wb') do |f| f.write( end else end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. <%= f.label :picture %> <%= f.file_field :picture %> 1. 2. 3. 4. 从安全角度来讲,文件上传要严格...
模型定义完成以后,下一步就是模型控制器。在参数定义中,需要添加:image属性作为允许的参数。下面这个例子来自movie_controller.rb文件:建立视图 模型和控制器都已经安装,是时候安装表单字段了,它能让用户上传图片。完成上述操作,需在erb文件中使用form.file_field。下面是 _form.html.erb文件用于电影评论应用的示例...
<%= f.text_field 'user_id' %> <%= f.text_field 'pth_sentence_id' %> <%= f.file_field :soundfile %> <%= f.submit %> <% end %> 测试API上传 参数要组装成rails需要的格式,类名[属性],客户端我用的是uniapp, 所以用uniapp来举例。
You should use upload_column_field instead of Rails’ file_field, since it will work even when the form is redisplayed, like when a validation fails. Unfortunately file_field doesn’t work in that case. Now that’s excellent, but most likely it will fail, because instead of sending the ...
feature: radio field (#3425) Nov 18, 2024 public/avo-assets fix: boolean group field broken with setters (#2985) Jul 19, 2024 scripts refactor: fetch heroicons fromavo-heroicons(#3671) Feb 17, 2025 spec refactor: aliasrowtocluster(#3669) ...
There are two methods for checking if a file exists:file? and present? checks if the _file_name field is populated exists? checks if the file exists (will perform a TCP connection if stored in the cloud)Keep this in mind if you are checking if files are present in a loop. The first...
I dedicated a good amount of time over 7 years on-boarding new analysts and developers and then worked with them to build and maintain systems which put me in a unique position to know and understand what new entrants to a field need in order to succeed. I strongly believe in focusing ...
创建Rails 应用程序时,将在根目录下生成以下目录和文件:app、components、config、db、doc、lib、log、public、Rakefile、README、script、test、tmp 和 vendor。 Ruby 是一种动态的开源编程语言,重点关注简单性和工作效率。其简洁的语法易于阅读、便于编写。要了解有关 Ruby 语言的更多信息,参见附录:Ruby 入门。