Guide to how you can add an admin back-end to manage your app with Active Admin Write a little game in Ruby! Guide of Instructions for a game development with Ruby. Web Fundamentals Tutorial Get a deeper understanding of what's going on under the hood ...
RailsAdmin::Config::Sections::List.default_items_per_page has been moved to RailsAdmin::Config.default_items_per_page. RailsAdmin::Config::Sections::Update.default_hidden_fields has been moved to RailsAdmin::Config.default_hidden_fields, it now affects show, create and update views. RailsAdmin...
Avo - Ruby on Rails Admin Panel Framework Avo is a very custom Admin Panel Framework, Content Management System, and Internal Tool Builder for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers and teamsmonths of development time. ⚡️ ...
---追記終わり--- Railでプロジェクトを作成する時に(ほぼ)毎回やることをまとめて、今後の開発スピードの向上を狙います。 データベースはローカル、本番共にPostreSQL、インフラはHerokuを使います。 端末はMac、OSはMojaveです。 ちなみに、記事通りに作ったところ、全部で67分かかりまし...
在rails中提供了filter来截获访问某个action的请求,可以用filter在action被调用前或调用后添加我们自己的处理。在这里,我们在admin的controller中的action被调用前添加拦截器。如果是管理员,就进入管理页面,如果是普通用户,就进入登录页面。 1.在application.rb中给ApplicationController类添加authorize方法,代码如下: ...
Before you install ActiveAdmin, you'll need to switch a couple of Rails classes and add some middleware that it relies on. First, you’ll need to swap yourapp/controllers/application_controller.rbfrom using theAPIto usingBase, being sure to add inprotect_from_forgery with: :exception. ...
Open a browser and navigate to theMicrosoft Entra admin center. Login using aWork or School Account. ExpandIdentityin the left-hand navigation, expandApplications, then selectApp registrations. SelectNew registration. On theRegister an applicationpage, set the values as follows. ...
<link href="/stylesheets/main.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/sidebar.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/admin.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> You can also ...
YAML(是 YAML Ain’t Markup Language 的缩写,尾音的发音类似 Camel)是一种序列化数据的语言(类似 ...