Rails的content_tag方法是一个辅助方法,用于生成HTML标签。它接受一个标签名称作为参数,并可选地接受一个块,用于生成标签的内容。content_tag方法可以帮助开发人员在视图中动态生成HTML标签,使得代码更加简洁和可读。 content_tag方法的语法如下: 代码语言:ruby 复制 content_tag(name, content = nil, options = nil...
主要是对content_tag标签和&block合用不怎么明白,先去看看源码上的说明文档。 1# Returns an HTML block tag of type+name+surrounding the+content+. Add 2# HTML attributes by passing an attributes hash to+options+. 3# Instead of passing the contentasan argument, you can also use a block 4#inw...
concat user.nickname concat tag(:br) concat image_tag(user.head_img_url) end concat html concat content_tag:div,'',class:'mask' else link_to'#'do concat'空' concat tag(:br) concat image_tag('blank.jpg') end end end 已经验证过!
or, if you insist on parsing the content as HTML4: full_sanitizer=Rails::HTML4::FullSanitizer.newfull_sanitizer.sanitize("Bold no more! See more here...")# => Bold no more! See more here... LinkSanitizer link_sanitizer=Rails::HTML5...
A comparative overview of Next MDX and Next Contentlayer Vaibhav Yadav August 27, 2023cypressgmail-testere2eplaywrightotp-automation How do we automate OTP using gmail tester in cypress & playwright e2e test Automate OTP verification using the gmail-tester library in combination with Cypress and Pla...
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main", "columns", :cache => true %> Img标记 <%= image_tag "icons/delete.gif", :height => 45 %> 2、理解yield和content_for <%= yield :head %> <%= yield %> <% content_for :head do
trix-editor{display:block;}trix-editor:empty:not(:focus)::before{content:attr(placeholder);color:graytext;cursor:text;pointer-events:none;}trix-editor a[contenteditable=false]{cursor:text;}trix-editor img{max-width:100%;height:auto;}trix-editor[data-trix-attachment]figcaption textarea{resize:none...
kindeditor_tag:content,'default content value',:simple_mode=>truef.kindeditor:content,:simple_mode=>truef.input:content,:as=>:kindeditor,:input_html=>{:simple_mode=>true}# simple_form & formtastic 完毕! 如何在Turbolinks5下使用 创建如下文件 app/assets/javascripts/load_kindeditor.coffee ...
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <%= yield %> Create a file application.css and drop it into public/stylesheets. Add the following content (Get it from pastie): body { background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#333333; font-family:"Lucida Grande...
Finally, you can add aelement tag and some logic to control which view, and thus which layout, the application will render. This code uses thecontent_formethodto reference a content identifier that we will associate with our sharks layout in the next step. Replace ...