项目地址:https://github.com/eggmantv/rails7vite 这个项目是我写的一个脚手架,可以帮助你轻松快速地创建自己的 Ruby on Rails 7 项目,并支持 Vite、React 和 Docker。 与webpack 相比,Vite 是一个超级快速且易于使用的下一代前端工具,了解更多vite (https://github.com/vitejs/vite)。 设置 你需要先安装...
我正在尝试使用 React 应用程序设置我的第一个 Ruby on Rails 7。我使用esbuild标志安装了 Ruby on Rails:\n rails new project_name -d postgresql -j esbuild\n 我Yarn添加了react,react-dom和react-router-dom。\n 我还在我的 \'app/javascript\' 文件夹中创建了一个 React \'./components\' 文件夹...
问题出在axios上,现在运行得很好。在头文件中,我用"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"替换了"...
engaging client-side interactions. Learn to use the Rails 7 tools and simplify the complex JavaScript ecosystem. It’s easier than ever to build user interactions with Hotwire, Turbo, and Stimulus. You can add great front-end flair without much extra complication. Use React to build a more co...
我遇到了同样的问题,我通过安装涡轮导轨解决了它(双关语 npm i @hotwired/turbo-rails ...
Project is updated to support Rails 7 and Shakapacker v6+! These are the docs for React on Rails 13. To see the older docs:v12andv11. About React on Rails integrates Rails with (server rendering of)React. This project is maintained byShakaCode. ...
react_on_rails 2711July 7, 2022 How to create a React modal within a Ruby on Rails view? react_on_rails 11343March 31, 2022 Karma setup for Webpacker v5 webpacker 01384December 22, 2021 Using Spring, direnv, and RVM Rails 0793November 3, 2021 ...
Parking allocation system using Rails 7, PostgreSQL, React, and React Bootstrap - binos30/parking-system
React-RailsNewsv2.7.0.rc.0 is out on Ruby Gems and NPM. Please try it out!SummaryReact-Rails is a flexible tool to use React with Rails. The benefits:Automatically renders React server-side and client-side Supports Webpacker 4.x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.1+ or Shakapacker v6+ Supports Sprockets...
React on Rails setup 4587April 6, 2023 React On Rails without webpack using HTM 2711July 7, 2022 How to create a React modal within a Ruby on Rails view? 11343March 31, 2022 How to use React suspense with react_on_rails gem