Detailed map of the United States showing drainage, cities and towns, internal boundaries, railroads named along the line, and railroads under construction. Inset: Plan of the western portion of the Unites States. 32 x 42 cm. Available also ...
Map of eastern United States, showing roads, railroads, distances by rail, towns, state and county names, and boundaries. Areas shaded pink represent the "rebellious states" and the green areas represent "all the southern territory that we hold from the South, after four years' war up to ...
Railroad Maps of the United States~by Andrew M. Modelski "Selected Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th Century Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress" Vintage Diesel Power~by Brian Solomon "This formative period of diesel locomotive evolution is examined with the hel...
History, map, pictures and ICC filings of the abandoned First Transcontinental Railroad between Council Bluffs, IA and Sacramento, CA.
Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP) is one of America's leading transportation companies. Its principal operating company, Union Pacific Railroad, is North America's premier railroad franchise, covering 23 states across the western two-thirds of the United States. Info: URL:
Map exhibiting the several Pacific railroads prepared for the report on the internal commerce of the United States by the Bureau of Statistics. This detailed map of the continental United States indicating drainage, relief by hachures, international and state boundaries, cities & towns, forts, roads...
The Settlers' Empire: Colonialism and State Formation in America's Old Northwest. The 1783 Treaty of Paris, which officially recognized the United States as a sovereign republic, also doubled the territorial girth of the original thirtee... JRV Atta - University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc. 被...
and the golden age of railroading came to an end afterWorld War II. Railroads abandoned thousands of miles of tracks and laid-off workers. The radical shift in transportation reshaped the map of the United States as small towns that depended on railroads for business turned into ghost towns. ...
Here in the United States, we’re lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to shiny new passenger rail, despite being leaders in previous centuries. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) hasjust released a story mapof how the US could close the gap (a little). ...
An official, 1966 system map of the Milwaukee Road. Author's collection.Considered by many as the Milwaukee Road's greatest leader, Andrew Mitchell passed away on April 19, 1887. His efforts had established one of the region's most prominent railroads with a network of 5,670 miles by year...