(1) Rail:Handrail的简称,指栏杆型扶手。 Please hold on to the rail so that you don't fall down the ramp. 扶着点扶手,别从斜坡上摔下去。 (2) Railing:整个栏杆 They installed some new railing around the balcony. 他们在阳台上安装了一圈栏杆。 (3) Handrail:栏杆型扶手 The...
(1) Rail:Handrail的简称,指栏杆型扶手 Please hold on to the rail so that you don't fall down the ramp. 扶着点扶手,别从斜坡上摔下去。 (2) Railing:整个栏杆 They installed some new railing around the balcony. 他们在阳台上安装了一圈栏杆。 (3) Handrail:栏杆型扶手 The handrail goes all ...
handrail balustrade nountrack Synonyms track points nountrain Synonyms train locomotive rolling stock freightliner verbcomplain Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud v. complain bitterly 同义词:inveigh enclose with rails "rail in the old graves" 同义词:rail in
handrailn(support rail: on stairs, etc.)(楼梯等的)SCSimplified Chinese扶手,栏杆,扶栏fú shǒu,lán gān ,fú lán The stairs were steep, and Nina was glad there was a handrail. light railn(rapid transit railway)SCSimplified Chinese轻轨 ...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a handrail device having a front handrail to open/close the front of a toilet bowl for stabilizing a user's posture in using the toilet, and to make the structure of the handrail device simple and inexpensive by simplifying the motion of the front handrail...
She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea.see also guard rail, handrail Extra Examples Oxford Collocations DictionaryDefinitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app....
1. (= handrail) (on stairs, bridge, balcony)→ baranda f, barandilla f, pasamanos m inv; (for curtains)→ riel m; (on ship)→ barandilla f; (for feet)→ apoyo m para los pies; (= fence)→ valla f, cerco m 2. (for train)→ carril m, riel m rails→ vía fsingto go off...
Note: rail height should begin from the ground floor or roof to the top of the handrail vertical height calculation, such as the bottom width is greater than or equal to 0.22 m, and height is less than or equal to 0.45 m to tread, areas step should begin from the top. 3. The rail...
2[countable]one of the two longmetaltracksfastenedto the ground thattrainsmove along 3[countable]abarthat is fastened along or around something, especially to stop you from going somewhere or from fallingSeveral passengers were leaning against the ship’s rail.→guardrail,handrail ...