上传于: April 7, 2015 | Raiders of the Lost Ark Poster 30 设计师: 分类: 电影海报 | 标签: 夺宝奇兵 (1981) Raiders of the Lost Ark 又名:A la recerca de l'arca perduda, Arka galduaren bila, Az elveszett frigyláda fosztogatói, Dobyvatelé ztracené archy, Dobyvatelia stratenej...
Raiders of the Lost Ark: Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey. In 1936, archaeologists and adventurers of the U.S. government hired Indiana Jones to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis could
"The Return of the Great Adventure." ―Re-release tagline[src]Raiders of the Lost Ark is an action/adventure film created by George Lucas and released through Paramount Pictures in 1981. It is the first Indiana Jones movie ever released and is considered to be chapter twenty-four in The ...
One of my favorite Indiana Jones movies wasRaiders of the Lost Ark. Over the years, I’ve collected various movie posters here and there, but I never got this one. I finally found it on eBay at a reasonable price so I picked it up. However, as with any popular movie poster, th...
Single Disc 4K Steelbook:For 2022, and just in time for Father's Day, Paramount Pictures releasesRaiders of the Lost Arkseparately in 4K UHD for the very first time. This limited edition release comes in a sleek, black steelbook with cover art that dons the original theatrical poster artwork...
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK POSTER 1. SIX WORDS:Look at the poster and write down six words (more if you like) that you think of as you look at it. Share the words with your partner(s). Why did you choose them? 2. STORY:Talk about what you think the story of the movie is – th...
Watch: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' Gets Shot-for-Shot Remake on VICE By Matt Brennan March 5, 2015 9:42 am News SXSW: Exclusive ‘Raiders!’ Poster Will Take You Back SXSW: Exclusive 'Raiders!' Poster Will Take You Back By Shipra Harbola Gupta March 3, 2015 2:14 pmNext...
An image of Spielberg and crew... (Remember, this is to celebrate RAIDERS, the movie, and not just Indiana Jones.) A special 20th anniversary poster... (Hmmm... I know of a good one already.) These are just food for thought. Once again, all artwork must be ENTIRELY ORIGINAL in des...
Stream of the Day: Steven Soderbergh’s ‘Raiders’ Sees Indiana Jones in a New Light Steven Soderbergh's hypnotic black-and-white version of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a fun way to appreciate the craftsmanship of a classic. By David Ehrlich July 31, 2020 11:00 am Features Film Guide...
A delightful ode to Mumbai’s last one-of-a-kind film poster painter. “Raiders!,” directed by Jeremy Coon and Tim Skousen. The story of two friends painfully remaking “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” “A Woman Like Me,” directed by Elizabeth Giamatti and Alex Sichel. A funny and moving...