NOTE: The outfits are added directly into the levelled list, not via script so will conflict with other mods directly overriding the same entries. Subject to approval I will release patches for Clothing of the Commonwealth, etc. I am however looking into a scripted version using DankRafts LL...
NexusMods源网址: 汉化源网址(视频简介里): 我只是把这两个东西整合并修了一个奇怪的BUG而已,所有东西都打包好了,可以直接安装。 至于mod介绍我就不多说了,直接去N网机翻一下网页看看就好。
城市掠夺者翻译。模块化和可定制的掠夺者风格服装,适合女性和男性角色。(可选)将这套装备添加到突袭者的 LL 中。
If you would like to merge mods (as long as they’re raider related) or have any suggestions for a new mask or anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Included are the: Bullets and Bones Gas Mask Laughing Gas Mask Bozo Gas Mask Piggsy Gas Mask Kabuki Mask Union Jack Mask OMGDIE Mask Death...
原址:作者:MadMAX713 汉化者:内大爷 版本:12.4...上次更新是2号应该是稳定版本了 就是可选文件多看的...
Fallout 4 Mods|29 Jan, 2016 07:28 Raider Armor Overhaul CBBE Bodyslide When I went to convert the raider armors to be Bodyslide compatibale, all the hoses and canisters mounted to the chest plates would skew horribly with even moderate adjustments. Also, it really doesn’t make sense to...
Nude Lara Croft, Tombraider, sex patch and nude patches for PC games, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and more
with a little dash of Fallout Shelter, and you’ll just be scratching the surface of what makes Sea of Conquest so fun to play. Ship-to-ship combat is frantic, but you’ll have to come out on top if you want to be the most infamous pirate who ever sailed the seven seas. Customize...
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