The true name of the Raiden Shogun is "Raiden Ei." In her long road, she has witnessed the price that Inazuma has had to pay for progress over the hundreds and thousands of years. The happiest years of her life had passed her by, and those she once considered friends became her foes...
When your team uses their elemental burst, they will generate resolve stacks for the Raiden Shogun.The amount of resolve stacks is determined by how much the energy cost is used for that particular burst. Moreover, the high energy cost would mean more stack and can have a maximum amount of...
Raiden Shogun may be a Goddess, but that doesn't mean she can't make mistakes. The end of the trailer hints at thesefatal errors that this Archon has made, and makes it very clear that the Traveler is going to get wrapped up in things as a result. Genshin Impactis available now on...
The official KQM Genshin Impact guide on Raiden, Her Eternal Excellency the Electro Archon and Shogun of Inazuma.